HomeBusinesshC Bio Rises $24 Million in Series A Financing; Plans to Use...

hC Bio Rises $24 Million in Series A Financing; Plans to Use tRNA for Treating Protein Dysfunction

Human life might seem like a solitary force, but it’s actually powered by a lot of variables. One variable here talks to how efficient we are with devising solutions. You see, while being solution-oriented is certainly the foundational piece; we must also pay serious attention to the makeup of that particular answer, as a good one can really alter our entire trajectory. This is reflected quite clearly in technology’s case. Now, when we talk about technology, it’s natural for us to fixate on all the unprecedented methodologies it brought into the fold, but the famous tech-revolution doesn’t happen, if it wasn’t presented to us in such a universal manner. By having something for each discipline, the creation allowed the world to grow rather collectively, and that would end up making a huge difference. To contextualize the said claim, you only have to look at a field like the one of healthcare. As soon as technology was permitted to pull the strings in our global healthcare sector, things changed beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. Suddenly, the industry’s reputation wasn’t so grim among the general public. Instead, everyone now had a newfound admiration for the way it was delivering an effective yet convenient brand of medical care. This dynamic is, in fact, still growing at a breakneck pace, and hC Bioscience’s latest funding does everything to confirm it.

The startup hC Biosciences has officially raised a sum worth $24 million in Series A financing. According to certain reports, the round was led by a syndicate, which included some noteworthy names in ARCH Venture Partners, Takeda Ventures, and 8VC. Using the fresh cash injection, hC Biosciences hopes to bolster its pursuit of developing therapies based on transfer RNA. The idea here is to address the dysfunctional proteins, and therefore, put-forth an answer for a range of diseases. Talking about how the company will approach it, the process will have hC Bio’s in-house technology called PTCX as the ultimate centerpiece. The technology will rope in tRNA to treat situations where an error in the DNA blueprint has directly translated to an underdeveloped protein, a condition that is responsible for upto 10% to 15% of literally all human diseases.

Apart from making sure the proteins are supported through neccassary amino acids, hC Biosciences has a setup to deal with another major concern in missense mutations. It’s situation where an unprovoked alteration in the DNA sequence has led to wrong amino acids getting added to the protein. The company uses a separate technology to seamlessly destroy these ill-formed proteins.

“We are creating medicines to restore protein function to its intended state without editing genes. A single tRNA therapy has the potential to treat many diseases regardless of the gene or location of the mutation,” said Leslie Williams, president and CEO of hC Bio


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