HomeMedicalMedical DevicesPushing All the Boundaries

Pushing All the Boundaries

Throughout the history, humans have stumbled upon some really effective solutions for their problems. However, all these solutions have had their limitations in one regard or the other, therefore prompting us to continue our search for something better. This continuous progression would lead us towards some outright amazing milestones, and yet each one of them fell into oblivion once technology entered the discussion. You see, the world suddenly had a tool that wasn’t just ingenious, but it was also capable of proving its capabilities across every imaginable area. Such a dynamic ended up creating an environment, which was seemingly perfect for a proper technology takeover. Now, while the takeover we are talking about here really happened on the biggest possible scale, what it did on a granular level was even more interesting. To contextualize it through an example, we can turn our attention to the medical sector. Before technology came around, the global healthcare sector’s identity was pretty much centered on obsolete methodologies. However, it all changed big time following the birth of medtech. With advanced technologies running the entire show, the medical care was able to achieve a level that was well beyond everyone’s expectations. In fact, it is still actively pushing all the boundaries, and Vektor Medical’s recent announcement does a lot to back this up.

Vektor Medical is officially ramping up the plans to commercialize its in-house vMap technology, which is designed for mapping the heart during cardiac ablation process. Up until now, the only way to map and spot potential sources of arrhythmia involved a catheter navigating through the patient’s heart, but that method was unsurprisingly invasive, slow, and labor intensive. Vektor’s vMap technology, on the other hand, provides a far more convenient answer, as it allows similar identification on the back of just your ECG data. Notably enough, this non-invasiveness doesn’t make any negative impact on the analysis’ depth. Instead, it has proven to be wholly efficient in regards to detecting both stable and unstable arrythemia. According to certain reports, the technology is also equipped to construct a productive combination of 2D and 3D hot spot maps, and if that’s really the case, then it can very well segway into historically high ablation success rates.

“vMap is the first technology designed to identify both focal- and fibrillation-type arrhythmia sources anywhere in the heart in under three minutes by using only the data from a standard 12-lead ECG,” said Mike Monko, Vektor’s co-founder and CEO. “The benefit of this method is the physician spends less time finding the source and can quickly hone in on the target zone.”

Already approved by the FDA, the vMap technology is currently in use at University of California, San Diego Health, but Vektor Medical will hope to widen up its footprint soon.


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