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Breaking Through All the Boundaries

Human life is a lot about navigating different facets of our lives in the best possible way. Such a system feeds into our growth through various channels, thus helping us significantly in diversifying our skill-set. The ripple effects in play here are as impressive as you would imagine. Today, on the back of this versatility, we have created a world that responds fittingly to our every need. Now, while the said progression as whole has been solid, it’s not more important than some of its parts. You see, we wouldn’t have gotten to where we did without some tools to power us through the journey. All these tools played their unique part in facilitating the process, but one which remains responsible for our biggest leap is technology. With technology, the world wasn’t just in a position to aid certain procedures; instead it held the capabilities to completely change its core function for the better. In fact, the creation’s excellence with it is validated by many real-world transformations, including, of course, the all important transition across our global healthcare sector. This transition to medtech has done a fair amount to alter the people’s perception regarding healthcare. Today, a patient approaches their treatment with far more confidence than what used to be the case before. A large part of it is down to elements like ease and convenience that are followed relentlessly by the modern healthcare system. If anything, the presence of these elements is only getting more apparent by the day, and a latest bid to do so comes from Pear Therapeutics.

Pear Therapeutics has officially bagged FDA’s breakthrough designation for its new digital therapy called ReSET-A, which is essentially constructed to treat alcohol use disorder. Assuming it gets approved, the therapy will become the first ever alcoholism-specific digital treatment to receive market authorization. Before reSET-A, Pear had put-together takes to cure broader types of substance abuse with therapies such as reSET-O and reSET that used cognitive behavioral therapy for fulfilling their purpose. The new digital therapeutic is expected to follow a similar template, and this would mean detailed lessons partnered with extensive tracking of substance use, cravings, triggers, symptoms, and medication through an app in your smartphone. Even though Pear has so far enjoyed great engagement rates, it must be noted that these digital therapies must not be viewed as standalone treatments.

According to a survey done by the company, only 1 in every 10 patients suffering from alcohol use disorder receives proper medical attention, therefore an accelerated review of reSET-A can potentially make all the difference.

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