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Delivering a More Accessible Brand of Healthcare

When you are living in a human society, something like change cannot be considered as a mere option. You must actively embrace it and find ways to squeeze the highest value from every transition. After all, this is largely how we have clocked the heights that we did. However, with a setup of such sort running the show, it’s important for us to know about different ways in which we can realize our goal. All these methods are born from a unique ideology, so it’s hard to place one above the other, and yet we have one that literally transcends their collective capabilities. We are, of course, referring to technology here. Having transformed the world’s entire identity, technology easily sticks out like an anomaly among the other channels. The creation’s undying focus on meaningfulness despite the expansive footprint has made sure that it grows into a centerpiece of our lives. While many other aspects played a role in making this happen, what transpired within the medical sector begs for more attention. After introducing us to a groundbreaking concept called medtech, our healthcare industry hasn’t quite looked back. It is still striving towards a better brand of care. In fact, one recent development from Yale University does everything to back that claim up.

The researching team at Yale University has successfully developed a wearable air sampler clip, which is designed to pick up harmful aerosols in the environment. Specialized in detecting viral particles of SARS-CoV-2’s severity, the device provides a low-cost alternative for gauging how unsafe your indoor environment is at a given time. As the world learns to coexist with the deadly virus, it’s important to make basic care economically feasible for everyone. So far, though, we haven’t seen much progress in the said context, hence Yale’s latest development comes bearing huge overall potential. Apart from that, once we have information regarding where the viral particles are actually building up, it might also set the stage for a more targeted response against Covid 19 variants.

If we talk about the device’s real-world performance, the researchers have conducted extensive tests using a machine that seemingly generates similar aerosols to when human talk, cough, sneeze or sing. To get the best impression of how efficiently it can function, the researchers even enlisted a surrogate virus. After the data was collected, they brought in a PCR test, and according to the reports, they were successful in getting a result. The device wasn’t just tested in a mechanical environment. Yale’s researchers actually recruited around 62 volunteers, who were asked to wear the clip on their clothes for 5 days. Upon the completion of 5 days, the observations revealed five positive tests, with 4 coming from restaurant workers.

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