HomeMedicalMedical DevicesDrumming Up the Prospects of an Underserved Healthcare Area

Drumming Up the Prospects of an Underserved Healthcare Area

Human beings might have a ton in their bag, but to be completely honest with you, we don’t possess anything more valuable than our tendency to grow on a consistent basis. This tendency, in particular, has already fetched us some huge milestones, with technology proving to be a major member of the stated group. The reason why technology enjoys such an esteemed stature among people is largely because of its skill-set, which realized all the possibilities for us that we couldn’t have imagined otherwise. Nevertheless, a closer look would reveal how the whole runner was also very much inspired by the way we applied those skills across a real-world environment. The latter component was, in fact, what gave the creation a spectrum-wide presence, including a timely appearance on our healthcare block. Technology’s foray into healthcare was so perfect with its timing, as it came right when the sector was beginning to struggle against its own obsolete structure. This reality, fortunately enough, went through a complete overhaul under the new regime, but even after achieving such a monumental feat, the new and budding medtech concept will somehow continue to bring all the right goods to the table. The same has turned more and more evident in recent times, and a new development should only make that dynamic a lot bigger and better moving forward.

SpineX, a medtech company based in California, has successfully developed a non-invasive spinal cord neuromodulation technology called the Spinal Cord Innovation in Pediatrics (SCiP) device, which is designed to treat children suffering from cerebral palsy. According to certain reports, the device is supposed to be used in conjunction with activity-based neurorehabilitation therapy. Once applied, it uses transcutaneous spinal cord neuro-stimulation to modulate what is a dysfunctional connection between the patient’s brain and spinal cord. Talk about why this could be a big deal, the treatment landscape for cerebral palsy, at the moment, is pretty much non-existent. Surely, some patients do opt for a surgery to address some of their specific symptoms, but as you can guess, that avenue is invasive from every possible direction, thus making it a less attractive prospect in many cases. However, SCiP solves this conundrum rather seamlessly by offering a technique outright dedicated to the stated disease, while also making sure the patient is not required to go under the knife at all.

In order to put-together some evidence for the device’s efficacy, SpineX has already conducted a pilot study on the device, a study which saw the company enrolling around 16 pediatric patient volunteers, with a range of cerebral palsy severities and ages. Going by the available details, these patients received SpineX’s neuromodulation treatment twice a week during an 8-week study, and if we put our stock in the published results, all the treated children demonstrated a notably improved sensorimotor function at the end of the stated trial.

When quizzed regarding the technique, Dana, the mother of one of the participants in the study, voiced her support by saying:

“At just three years old and highly affected by cerebral palsy, our son has shown such exciting progress since he began using SCiP. We’re so grateful that our son was included in the clinical study with SCiP as it has opened up a world of possibilities for our son, and we hope others will be able to witness it soon.”

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