Eagle Genomics: Pioneering the Bio Revolution through Microbiome Science

In the dynamic landscape of genomics and bioinformatics, Eagle Genomics stands as a trailblazer, propelling the world into the Bio Revolution. Established with a mission to harness the power of microbiome science, Eagle Genomics is at the forefront of addressing global challenges in health, nutrition, and environmental sustainability. By providing cutting-edge tools for analyzing complex microbiome data, the company is driving collaborative, data-driven innovation and unlocking opportunities for businesses to contribute to a more sustainable and healthier world.

Eagle Genomics recognizes the microbiome as the gateway to the Bio Revolution. This revolution signifies the integration of biological sciences across various value chains, offering unparalleled economic opportunities. The company is actively contributing to this revolution by facilitating the analysis, exploration, and exploitation of intricate microbiome data.

Central to Eagle Genomics’ approach is the innovative network life sciences platform. This platform serves as a trusted data fabric and an intuitive application framework that supports the entire innovation journey – from the formulation of hypotheses to achieving tangible business outcomes. By fostering a seamless conversation between scientists and microbiome data, Eagle Genomics is ushering in a new era of collaborative and data-driven innovation.

Eagle Genomics recognizes the interconnectedness of human health, environmental health, and planetary health. The microbiome, whether in individual bodies, soils, water systems, or built environments, plays a pivotal role in determining overall wellbeing. The company emphasizes the concept of One Health, highlighting the shared health of all people and the planet. Eagle Genomics is committed to fostering a greater understanding of microbial communities, informing sustainable practices that enhance and protect these ecosystems. The applications of microbiome science are vast: some examples include functional foods and nutritional supplements, consumer goods like cosmetics and personal hygiene products, biofertilizers for healthy soils, improved diets for livestock, and living therapeutics for diseases. Use cases are rapidly increasing as our understanding of the microbiome grows.

An entire ecosystem of microorganisms (bacteria, archaea, eukaryotes, and viruses), their genomes, and the surrounding environmental conditions (proteins, metabolites, environmental data, etc). This is the frontier of 21st century science. Nowhere are the opportunities and challenges more significant than in the burgeoning field of the microbiome. Network science provides the only robust and reliable framework to examine the highly complex interactions of microbiome communities.

There are in the order of 10,000+ human diseases alone, and it is increasingly clear that the microbiome is implicated in many of them. Similar challenges and opportunities exist in animals, plants and other ecosystems. The ability to optimize for platform condition/disease fit will differentiate winners and losers in the emerging bio-economy.  Nature co-design refers to the harnessing of nature’s capabilities on the foundation of microbiome science to produce new products and materials (bio-factoring). e[datascientist] enables enterprises to participate in the bio-economy to produce a new generation of products, harnessing nature co-design and new lanes of economic growth.

Eagle Genomics is actively engaged in shaping a sustainable future by advocating for bio-based solutions. The company envisions these solutions replacing traditional chemical and industrial processes with more efficient and affordable systems. Collaborating with organizations such as the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and EIT Foods, Eagle Genomics is contributing to the development of novel standards and regulations. The company’s initiatives align with global efforts, as seen in collaborations with Kiss the Ground, Need to Grow, and the World Economic Forum’s Global Obesity Forum Declaration 2021.

As leaders in the field, Eagle Genomics is committed to driving industry-wide adoption of sustainable practices. The company actively participates in shaping the commercial landscape by collaborating with influential organizations and staying informed about global initiatives. By working with partners like the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Eagle Genomics is poised to guide its customers toward healthier outcomes and sustainable systems.

In a world grappling with the challenges of population growth, environmental degradation, and the need for sustainable practices, Eagle Genomics emerges as a key player driving transformative change. Through its innovative approach to microbiome science and its commitment to the principles of the Bio Revolution, the company is not only unlocking new frontiers in scientific discovery but also paving the way for a healthier and more sustainable future for all. Eagle Genomics stands at the intersection of technology, science, and sustainability, poised to make a lasting impact on the way we approach health, nutrition, and environmental stewardship.

Eagle Genomics

Victoria Kimonides, CEO


“Eagle Genomics recognizes the interconnectedness of human health, environmental health, and planetary health”
