HomeNewsNew Era of Science

New Era of Science

Even though there were strong murmurs about it before, the outbreak of Covid 19 caught us pretty much on the back foot. We did have technological adeptness on our side, but it was in no way advanced enough to help us in avoiding a humongous amount of deaths and extended lockdown periods. The medical researchers were working around the clock but it still took almost an entire year before we had any concrete vaccination at our disposal. The new White House science advisor, Eric Lander wants to avoid this very situation in the future. Lander alluded to how America’s renewed emphasis on science will transform the dynamics of how medicines interact with human bodies. Lander then went on to make a massive claim that decided the headline for his first interview as the White House science advisor. Lander said he wants to help in creating such a setup that, if a similar situation arises in future, we can deliver a reliable vaccine within 100 days.

“This is a moment in so many ways, for not just health, that we can rethink fundamental assumptions about what’s possible and that’s true of climate and energy and many other areas,” Lander said.

Lander’s view of his promotion to Cabinet level was highly influenced by his belief that the new administration saw scientific advancements as something of utmost importance. This newfound conviction that “science should also have a seat on the table” is the testament of the fact that the focus here is on much bigger things instead of just thwarting the current pandemic. There is a strong inclination towards building something sustainable for future generations. Lander’s “new vaccine in 100 days” lays the perfect foundation for that.

“It was amazing at one level that we were able to produce highly effective vaccines in less than a year, but from another point of view you’d say, ‘Boy, a year’s a long time’, even though in the past it would take three years or four years”, Lander said. “To really make a difference we want to get this done in 100 days. And so a lot of us have been talking about a 100-day target from the recognition of a virus with pandemic potential.”


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