HomeMedicalMedical DevicesPreserving Better Healthcare for You

Preserving Better Healthcare for You

In totality, human beings boast a ton of specialties, but if we are nit-picking and choosing the most significant from that lot, it will be our tendency to find creative solutions. These creative solutions have helped us big time in powering through many crucial situations, and with every such step, we went on to discover a whole new part of ourselves. As you can guess, following a discovery like this, the dynamics around how you approach the next step change radically, but no one really expected a change so big that it will end up producing an idea of technology’s caliber. Technology, right from the bat, was out to go beyond every pre-established boundary within the world’s fabric. It wasn’t just looking to facilitate some discoveries here and there. Instead, the creation planned on becoming a fresh way of life. In hindsight, we have enough evidence to claim that it succeeded in its pursuit. The said evidence appears across different areas, and one of them happens to be the medical sector. While technology’s intention of turning into a life ideology benefitted numerous disciplines, the impact it had on global healthcare system stands above all quite easily. In fact, this link-up will result in a reworked identity for the sector, bringing MedTech and all related capabilities into the picture. Since then, we have enjoyed many MedTech permutations coming forward to enhance our lives. By the looks of it, however, we are set to get another one.

Paragonix Technologies, a company based in Cambridge, has officially launched a new donor liver preservation system called LIVERguard, which is designed to deliver an optimized environment for hypothermic liver preservation. The device comes equipped with an avenue to perform real-time digital monitoring, therefore fetching you all the information you need to protect the donor liver until it’s finally in the transplantation process. Interestingly, alongside LIVERguard system, Paragonix also shares a global liver registry in a bid to keep the user better-informed regarding availability of the organ.

“The standard of care, ice storage, had not changed since the inception of organ transplant in the 1960s. Our team determined there was an opportunity for a more scientifically reproducible, measurable, and reliable solution to transporting an organ from a donor to recipient,” said Dr. Lisa Anderson, CEO and Co-founder of Paragonix Technologies.

The fact that LIVERguard is a Paragonix brainchild does a lot to bolster its credibility. To give you a gist of the company’s excellence in organ preservation, only last month Paragonix revealed that it has now fulfilled over 1,000 preserved donor heart transports. The figure was achieved in just 3 years, and, of course, it was done on the back of another advanced organ preservation technology known as Paragonix SherpaPak Cardiac Transport System (CTS).

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