Reperio Health: Enabling Access to Wellness

It is safe to say that modernizing wellness isn’t going to look like just one thing. At its core, a set of values guides the process of old to new, outdated to updated, and declining health outcomes to improved ones. This value process revolves around the idea that better health outcomes exist, but just aren’t readily available in the ways that they need to be. As Travis Rush, CEO of Reperio Health says, “The key to Reperio’s success is that it helps remove barriers to access in healthcare, which is a huge problem that we’ve come to address in a very unique way that no one else has.”

What Rush is speaking to here is the idea that to have better health outcomes as an individual patient, and then speaking more broadly to whole population health, one has to alleviate, and even remove, the barriers that are preventing some people from gaining access to care.

Rush speaks to a pressing example about people who live in rural areas who often cannot get the aid they need in a timely or preventative way. Even more pressing is the type of scenarios and effects that the pandemic has had on not only the healthcare system writ large but also on people’s mentalities when interacting with any healthcare subsidiary. Namely, people have gotten used to the fact that “anything they want, it comes to them,” Rush says, which articulates the idea that, during the pandemic, we got so used to remote or hybrid work, even things like quick and seamless food delivery, that we don’t find ourselves in a position to venture out for these services as much anymore, including healthcare. What’s more, the burdened healthcare system can deter one from visiting a clinic due to longer wait times and lengthy treatment gaps.

The Unique Screening Solution

Reperio Health began as a company in 2019 when they were able to patent their technology, which was realized as an even more prescient and important resource as soon as the pandemic hit. Reperio offers a one-of-a-kind biometric screening service that offers real-time results and health insights. Reperio is designed as a user experience platform that takes medical devices that have been in the industry for decades and upscales them, meaning they consolidate the best of the best into a single kit and delivers them directly so that at-home testing can be accomplished. The flagship Reperio app works in tandem with the hardware to guides users through the process of testing with step-by-step instructions and delivers the results and information in a useful format for all people/patients.

“The way that it works is when the user logs into their app, the app will instruct them to turn it on. There’s a little button in the center of the kit we refer to as the hub, and that is the technology that we have a patent on. It manages all the connectivity and transferring of data from all these different devices,” Rush explains. Normally, all medical devices and results-processes aren’t orchestrated together so what you get is a tedious and disjointed process from start to finish. Reperio eliminates all that, creating a new seamless and connected experience for users.

“We’ve removed all those barriers. You don’t have to download five different apps for five different medical devices. You never have to go into the pairing settings and try to figure out how to make it work. The application connects to your phone automatically and instructs you. ‘Now we’re going to do your blood pressure’ and there’s a voice talking to you. And there are also animations walking you through everything,” Rush says.

After this test, the information is collected, stored onto the cloud, and then the next test starts automatically to complete that portion of the screening. “The results are displayed in a very easy to read, easy to view graphical format that can be shared with your doctor fitness trainer, nutritionist, whoever they want,” Rush says. The information also allows people to have a better understanding of their health in general, which adds to the process of patient learning, knowledge, and accountability. The seamless and easy-to-use process not only helps patients get visibility into their health outcomes, but then also redirects patients to actual health providers if more serious conditions are discerned. The point is to help patients feel empowered in their own health while lessening the burden on the healthcare system.

The kit screens for ten metrics, including blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), heart rate, BMI, relative fat mass, total cholesterol, LDL’s, HDL’s, triglycerides, and glucose. These metrics allow patients to have a baseline understanding of the range of their current health.

Reperio’s biometric screening service is used in the workforce, healthcare space, and insurance domain with oversight into the pharmaceutical testing process soon. Rush explains how one company with rural offices was able to perform wellness checks for their employees without the huge expenditure, thanks to Reperio. Using the information, the company was able to design a wellness and coverage plan that met their employees’ needs directly.

The Focus on Transformation

With big goals and value-driven processes, Reperio seeks to help transform the healthcare space as it currently stands. “We have to figure out as a society how to keep people from getting to serious health outcomes. First, we need to figure out what the baseline metrics are before they become a problem, and that’s what our solution does. Clinicians use our kit to do the screening because it’s so efficient, which I think speaks to the fact that what we’ve built is not only useful at home, but it’s improving efficiencies in the healthcare system itself,” Rush explains.

There is no one out there that compares to Reperio’s technology service, and with timeliness, efficiency, and usability helping the company to scale, Reperio hopes to make a big impact on the healthcare space not only in the US, but in other countries as well.

Reperio Health

Travis Rush, CEO

“The key to Reperio’s success is that it helps remove barriers to access in healthcare, which is a huge problem that we’ve come to address in a very unique way that no one else has”
