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Your Health Is Your Wealth

By Brian J. Esposito, CEO & Founder, Esposito Intellectual Enterprises

The world population and global workforce has been under extreme stress, anxiety, and uncertainties since the pandemic and global shut down began.  The technologies that were massively adopted to help keep people connected did not achieve equaling out the typical productivity that is obtained by them being physically together in a typical work environment, and new real emotional reactions evolved to be now known as zoom fatigue. This burnout was not just felt in the work environment, but also in the educational segment from teachers, to students, as well as to parents or guardians.  This is one of the major reasons I believe AI has been exploding and massive tech companies such as Facebook and Amazon laying off a substantial amount of their workforce.   The domino effect of this will be devastating to world markets, but this time much harder hit than the 2008 global banking & housing crisis, as I do not know where governments are going to get, or create, the funds to once again offer bailouts through “brilliantly” coined relief programs such as the infamous TARP.

Not only are people losing their jobs, but the technologies replacing them, and the news we are reading is being developed by AI, such as Buzzfeed’s announcement in February of this year.  In addition, the pricing of everything from housing to eggs and milk is increasing do to massive inflation.  Usually when this happens these higher prices become the new floor and does not return historic levels.  The only commodity industry where you can see this game played well is Oil.  It is just not sustainable, which is why the mental health and wellness side of humanity is equal or of more importance than the time, money, and efforts going into climate change and awareness; when we feel better, we do better.  Thankfully there are incredible organizations such as Invisible Disabilities Association (https://invisibledisabilities.org/)  that have such tremendous tools, and resources to help people.  The problem is there is still a stigma or an embarrassment with people acknowledging they are in a bad place and need help. If these individuals do actually have the strength to voice out that they do need assistance dealing with this, it is typically to an unqualified general practitioner that just wants to write a script to make you numb, and mask the issue rather than actually working on it and correcting it.  Do not get me wrong some of these medicines are amazing and help so many people that need it, but generally they are not being properly administered, monitored, nor the proper work is going into the patient, much like physical therapy, to help them.  When someone gets hurt or has a surgery, they go on a plan to recovery which most of the time requires physical therapy.  If someone’s brain is hurt from emotional trauma it should be no different and the prescription should be medicinal treatment if needed, mental exercises, and emotional therapy to get them back on track and on a strong mental health and wellness path.  Now let’s talk about the workforce being eliminated from their what was once known as a safe job, AI replacing a lot of that specific job segment, no additional work to be found, and health insurance or cobra assistance has timed out, what do they do and where can they find or pay for help?

There is enough history to see the writing on the wall and is up to the masses to stop thinking and relying on others or governments, scale back, stop mentally connecting the idea of success and happiness with wealth and materialist things, be happy with a little, and find unique ways to earn, save, and be smart on your spending.  If you are thinking more money, things, a nicer car, or a bigger house is going to make you happy, it is not, and you need to find what your passions really are and some type of joy that you can connect with on a daily basis.  Your health is truly your wealth and the first place to start is putting your phone down, taking a break from social media, connect with why you feel you are here and the wonderful mark you want to leave on this gift of a life you have been given.  Each and every one of us is truly special, we can be happy, we can feel valued and self-worth but it starts within.  Surround yourself with good positive people that really want what’s best for you, eliminate toxicity from your life and I bet you will be in such a great place and can’t wait to jump out of bed in the morning, but can wait to get back in at night.  Do not be afraid to ask for help, it is not a sign of weakness, and take small, positive, and accountable steps forward each new day.

Brian J. Esposito
CEO & Founder
Esposito Intellectual Enterprises
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brianjesposito
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianjesposito/


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